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Training Articles

Jess Gale
Apr 3, 20245 min read
Words Of Wisdom with Sara Jane Lanning
Welcome to Words of Wisdom; where we share al the great pearls of knowledge, experience and insight from our podcast episodes with our...

Jess Gale
Sep 6, 202310 min read
What kind of rider are you?
With nationals coming up ive been having lots of chats with the riders i coach about how they deal with mistakes and problems in a test....

Jess Gale
Aug 28, 202311 min read
Answering your questions on transitions
So last week we did a whole training article around transitions, and we covered a lot! From the different types of transitions and what...

Jess Gale
Aug 13, 20239 min read
Lets talk about transitions
Transitions form a solid basis for everything we do in dressage. They are obviously in every single test from Intro to Grand Prix but...

Jess Gale
Jun 12, 20238 min read
The most common places riders lose easy marks in a test
We all lose marks in different places but so often i see riders lose easy marks. These are the marks they really didnt need to lose,...

Jess Gale
May 5, 20238 min read
What to do if you make a mistake in a test
This week i was having a chat with one of my riders who had a big test coming up. We had been working on their centre lines and...

Jess Gale
Apr 27, 202310 min read
Troubleshooting Leg Yields
I realised that we havent actually done a troubleshooting tip in a long time! For those of you that are newer to the training articles,...

Jess Gale
Apr 14, 202312 min read
Riding spooky horses
Its a fact of life that some horses are spooky and some arent. We all know horses are naturally flight animals and to an extent i think...

Jess Gale
Mar 20, 202310 min read
How to stop your horse leaning or getting strong
This week i wanted to talk about riding horses that are strong or feel like they lean against you. I've had quite a few riders coming to...

Jess Gale
Jan 18, 20238 min read
What rein length should you ride on?
The length of rein you use can vary and change as you go through your session, you might lengthen your rein to stretch your horse or...

Jess Gale
Jan 12, 20239 min read
Why You Should Be Doing More Test Riding
Now we've all been there, where you have a caller so you haven't learn your test, you haven't run through your test before the...

Jess Gale
Jan 5, 20239 min read
What I Have Learnt From 2022
I think its really important to talk about and reflect on the things we learnt in the last year, what we learnt from the bad experiences...

Jess Gale
Dec 18, 20222 min read
Gift Ideas For Dressage Riders!
Its that time of year again when we are all trying to find that perfect gift for the people we love! I know finding that perfect present...

Jess Gale
Sep 16, 20226 min read
Is Your Horse Supple Enough?
Suppleness is one of those things where i think we all struggle with how much we should be aiming for? How supple should your horse be,...

Jess Gale
Jul 15, 20225 min read
What is the difference between bend and flexion ?
I think we all probably know the importance of bend, we need it on circles, serpentines and corners and our horse needs to be supple and...

Jess Gale
Jul 12, 20225 min read
Perfecting your Give & Retake
The give & retake is one of the movements that i think is so often misunderstood and rarely worked on in training. So what is a give and...

Jess Gale
Jun 6, 20228 min read
Get to grips with medium trot
I have had a lot of clients recently that have come to me wanting to improve their medium trot or wanting to teach their horse how to do...

Jess Gale
May 11, 20225 min read
The 4 things you need to get your horse round and in an outline
Having our horses on the bit, having them round or in an outline is something that seems to be something all dressage riders focus a lot...

Jess Gale
Apr 11, 202212 min read
7 tips for dealing with tension at competitions
Why is tension an issue? Tension is one of those things that can completely destroy the mark you get for the movement or even your whole...

Jess Gale
Mar 7, 202210 min read
Analysing your test sheet
I thought this would be a really interesting topic to talk about as I feel like its a big gap where I see a lot of people missing out on...
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